100 degrees inside, freezing outside

A vacant house apparently breaks HVAC.

About 18 months ago, the blower motor conked out, allowing the compressor to run for who knows how long.

This time the thermostat got screwed up, running the heater for many hours. The heat was at 62, but the inside was probably 100 degrees before our house watcher discovered it.

I dashed home and swapped in a new thermostat.I hope for the best!

Looks like all our fishies survived. [CORRECTION: all three ghost shrimp and a Mickey Mouse fish died within 2 weeks. And the fish tank is now leaking.] I opened all windows in that room to introduce 32 degree air and threw a load of ice on top.  After 20 minutes, the water temp was still 87, so I threw another load of ice. Doesn’t this look weird?

I hate to think how much natural gas we churned through getting the house that hot on a 32 degree day.

Faked inaugural instrumental quartet

The inaugural instrumental quartet, that included Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman, was faked. They were “hand-synching” to canned music.

This is unsurprising: I was shocked they were in such good tune at 27° F. In my marching band days, my euphonium went way sharp in cold weather.

Per Carole Florman, spokeswoman for the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies:

I think this is a whole lot of nothin’. These are world-class performers who are playing in 19 degree weather [editor: NOAA said 27 degrees at that time] and the technical requirements of their instruments made it impossible for them to have their music amplified and know that it would be in tune. So they made, what I think, was probably a difficult decision to play to tape. (source)

Oh, come on. Nothing suggested it wasn’t real. You shouldn’t have waited several days to reveal this.

Presidential limo: it’s huge!

Look at the new presidential limo:

Look at the Secret Service agents next to it. The window bottoms are almost to his shoulder!


The tire is taller than that Secre Service guy’s belt line!


The limo roof is taller than the agents! When’s the last time you’ve seen a car that’s taller than a full grown man?

The car is so huge, it’s almost grotesquely proportioned.

Bye, bye 1and1.com

[CORRECTION: I lost no prepaid domain registration time. Dreamhost’s domain transfer requires purchase of a 1 year additional registration on top of existing registration. Existing registration time is retained.]

1and1.com lost my business.

Yesterday, that web host screwed up my hosting package, causing a multi-hour email and web outage.

Being sick of 1and1’s routine incompetence, I already plotted my escape. I changed settings so my domains would no longer auto-renew. I probably had $30-$35 of prepaid domain registration time left with the 6 domains I am keeping, so I figured I would keep them registered at 1and1 and transfer later.

Instead, 1and1 screwed up all my DNS settings and initiated a total package cancellation, causing a major service outage.

This was the last straw, so I expedited my move to Dreamhost.

I am almost running again. Let me know if you got any bounces on emails sent to me.

Even though Dreamhost has a mixed reputation, it can’t be worse than 1and1.com. Some of my web apps run noticably more quickly. And their support staff responded with a coherent answer. Wow!

Great great grandfather’s obituary

Found an obituary of my great great grandfather online today:

Alexander, James D.

Another Good Man Called to Reward

James D. Alexander, old time citizen and prominent over the state and nation fraternally, died suddenly at his home here Tuesday (Feb. 18,1920) morning about 6:30 of heart failure. Mr. Alexander came home from South Texas about a week prior to his death suffering from influenza, but was thought to have been about recovered, being down town (Garland) Monday. But the insidious malady had no doubt weakened the chief organ of his system, which ceased functioning at the hour stated.

J. D. Alexander came to Texas with his wife 39 years ago [Aren: I think from Alabama?] and located in Garland where he has since made his home. For many years he was justice of the peace here [Aren: I also have a city mayor and an Indiana state senator in my ancestry], and taught school in various places over the country. About fifteen years ago he became actively connected with the Woodman order as field man, since which time he had gradually advanced in that order until at the time of his death he was one of the leaders of the order over the nation. He took a heartfelt interest in the work, and had been most ardent in his efforts to explain to members recent drastic changes made in laws.

Several years ago Mr. Alexander was in an auto wreck and sustained broken limbs and other injuries. About four years ago he was struck by a motorcycle in Dallas after alighting from a street car which further injured him. He was in Corpus Christi during the severe Strom of last year and suffered from exposure. All of these combined to weaken a strong constitution and are thought to have hastened his death.

J. D. Alexander was a loyal citizen to Garland and public spirited beyond the average. No move was ever inaugurated which he did not endorse and work for in behalf of the betterment of the town and community. He believed in this community and let no opportunity pass to express this faith. He was active in politics and could always be placed in any controversy. He had been a consistent member of the Baptist church practically all his life, and was an ardent prohibitionist when it was not popular to espouse this cause. [Aren: his grandson, my grandfather, very much enjoyed the drink.] He held the distinction of never having tasted liquor, and was a practical prohibitionist, which created respect for his arguments in favor of the cause.

In addition to the Woodman order he had long been a member of the Odd Fellows. He was active in both orders, and took a lively interest in every move for the good of his home and the state at large. His work and prominence in the Woodman order have possibly given Garland more widespread notoriety than any other one individual.

News of the death was a shock to the community, very few of his friends even knowing of his last illness.

Funeral services will be conducted at the Baptist church this afternoon, Rev. Tobe Wynn of Dallas, an old and close friend, conducting same. Burial will follow in the K. of P. cemetery [Aren: Knights of Pythias Cemetery?, near Garland Ave. and Miller Rd. ? in Garland]. The funeral service will be under the direction of the head officers of the Woodmen.

Deceased was 70 years old, and was married in Alabama 41 years ago. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. S. E. Alexander of Garland, now 91 years of age; his brother, John Alexander of Miles, Texas; two sisters, Mrs. Will R. Weaver of Ft. Worth and Mrs. Annie Smallwood of Garland; his wife, and seven children, Mrs. Dora Alexander Talley of Omaha supreme clerk of the Woodmen Circle; George A., Mayor [Aren: my great grandfather, mayor of Garland], and R. E. and J. A. Alexander and Mrs. Lena Shugart of Garland; W. E. and Dr. Jo C. Alexander of Dallas.

Funeral service will be held at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon at the Garland Baptist Church, the Rev. William H. Wynn, pastor of the Forest Avenue Baptist Church of Dallas, officiating. Officers of the head camp of the Woodmen of the World will have charge of the ceremonies. Burial will be made in the K. of P. Cemetery at Garland.

Active pallbearers; C. A. Weaver, A. R. Davis, W. A. Holford, E. P. Squibb, E. B. Shugart and Charles L. Joyee of Garland. Honorary pallbearers; Judge O. S. Lattimore, M. L. Wigginston and R. M. Hays of Austin; H. W. Wiseman of Cleburne, H. Russell of Mineral Wells, J. M. Denton of Sherman, F. C. Hernichel, R. H. McDill, E. H. Wendtland, E. Z. Crowdus and John H. Cullom of Dallas; R. R. Hood of Weatherford; J. H. Moore of Detroit, Texas; W. G. McLain of Waxahachie, W. A. Matthews of Denton, O. D. Baker of Gause, Texas; John T. Jones, J. D. Curfman, J. I. Williams, B. W. Taliaferro, A. M. Spillers, T. J. Swim, G. W. Crossman, W. P. Peavy, F. F. Capps, C. L. Taylor, J. W. Buchanan and D. F. Bryan of Garland.

Garland News

Source: http://www.dallaspioneers.org/stories/obituaries.php?ID=130.