They just don’t get it

Companies keep asking me if I want to convert to electronic delivery of my bills and statements. The funny thing is that almost none of these companies retain more than six months of my records online.

What would I do if I needed to verify payment of a bill more than six months ago? (This recently happened.) Had I only done electronic payment, then I would have to pay this company more money to get a copy of the statement.

Whatever. Until companies get a clue, I will continue to get hardcopies of all my bills.

2 thoughts on “They just don’t get it”

  1. Hey Aren, I just recently found your blog, you have some very detailed stuff and it’s a great read…I stumbled upon the blog when searching for info on replacing a water heater. So anyhow found this bills entry and just wanted to comment that you can grab the file in .pdf format and store. I’m big on scanning docs here in my house, so there is no paper. I use paperport software to organize and then back the data up on dvd as well as removable hd, and a usb memstick (I know sounds redundant.) Anyhow, I find that just getting the bill in .pdf format saves me from scanning myself, and the clarity of ‘their’ pdf vs. mine is superior.

    I know I’m commenting on a pretty old post so this my be irrelevant now.


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