Allen Vaught copies constituient’s email

I sent an email about the primary election to my neighborhood association. 16 days later, my Democrat state legislator Allen Vaught sent an email about primaries to his constituents.

Guess where some of his email came from? Compare snippets:

Aren Cambre’s Jan. 31 email Allen Vaught’s Feb. 16 email
What is the primary? It’s where YOU choose who represents your party at the fall election. The primary is the election in which you choose who represents your party in each race during the November general election.
You don’t register with a party. … You just show up and vote in either party’s primary. In Texas, you do not “register” with a party; therefore, you may vote in either party’s primary election.
You must vote in the primary to participate in the party’s convention process. You must vote in the primary to participate in that party’s convention process

Imitation is sincerest form of flattery?

Both the emails are below in full. You’ll notice my email clearly inspired the highlighted part of his email.

Aren Cambre’s Jan. 31 email Allen Vaught’s Feb. 16 email
Neighbors,Feb. 1 is the last day to register to vote in the March 2 primary. Verify your registration at

What is the primary? It’s where YOU choose who represents your party at the fall election.

These should clarify some misconceptions:

  • You don’t register with a party. Texas has no concept of “registered Republican” or “registered Democrat.” You just show up and vote in either party’s primary.
  • This doesn’t bind your fall vote. For example, if you vote in the Democrat primary, you can still vote for Republicans in the fall election.
  • You can vote in either party’s primary. Here’s where it can make a difference: If you believe that one party will win a particular office, then that party’s primary is when the race is effectively decided.
  • You don’t have to make a selection in every race. You can vote on all races, zero races (blank ballot), or anywhere in between.
  • You must vote in the primary to participate in the party’s convention process. In our precinct (2230), the Republican and Democrat precinct conventions generally start at 7:30 PM at the polling location.

Register to vote, and hope to see you at our polling location on March 2!

Aren Cambre, President
Lake Park Estates Neighborhood Association, Inc.
A 501(c)(4) nonprofit

Dear Friends:Election time is upon us again and I would like to encourage you to vote. I have included some information in this email which I hope will help you cast an informed vote.

March 2nd is the Primary Election for both the Democratic and Republican Parties. The primary is the election in which you choose who represents your party in each race during the November general election. There are many candidates on the ballot all the way from precinct chairs to the Governor.

In Texas, you do not “register” with a party; therefore, you may vote in either party’s primary election. Regardless of which party’s primary you vote in, you may vote however you would like in November. You must vote in the primary to participate in that party’s convention process, which usually takes place around 7:30 pm directly after the close of voting on March 2nd at your precinct’s polling location.

Sample ballots for each party’s primary are located here:

For more detailed information on the candidates that you may be voting on please see the following websites:

Dallas County Republican Party

Dallas County Democratic Party

Dallas Morning News Voters Guide

You may vote early during the following dates and times:

Tu-F   Feb 16-19        8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Sat       Feb 20             7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.

Sun      Feb 21             1:00 P.M.  – 6:00 P.M.

M-F     Feb 22-26        7:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.

Early voting locations may be found on the Dallas County Elections website, located here:

Election Day is Tuesday, March 2nd from 7am – 7pm. You must vote in your voting precinct on election day. If you are not sure where to vote, more information may be obtained by contacting the Dallas County Elections Department (214) 819-6300 or by visiting their website at

I encourage you to cast an informed vote because as you know, our democracy rests upon the act of voting.


State Representative Allen Vaught

House District 107

Return to Innocence does not feature an American Indian

noac_1994_patchThis may surprise attendees of the 1994 National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC).

Order of the Arrow is an honor society of Boy Scouts that uses American Indian imagery.  The 1994 NOAC conference’s closing ceremony prominently featured then-popular Return to Innocence by Enigma in an Indian-themed ceremony.

Only problem is that’s not an Indian voice. It’s an aboriginal Taiwanese chant.

So now you know. The NOAC planners are probably blushing.

Here’s the song:

Google Street View Says I’m Republican

…and it’s right!

New imagery of my front yard, probably from October 2008:
Those are all Republicans.

Google also knows my across-the-street neighbors’ opinions about my signs. Look where they faced their signs. (Hint: Google camera’s straight-on view means they’re not facing drivers!)
1015erin 1023erin
Silly liberals!

See the whole scene for yourself. Pan around to see my neighbors.